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發言人:doraemon, on Apr/24/2024    15:22:04 (IP code: X.X.48.242)

英國《經濟學人》周刊發表了一篇評論文章,討論新加坡的“政治交接”,其中語氣不乏嘲笑輕視之意,不僅稱黃循財是“陌生面孔”、“非首選接班人”,還對新加坡人民 行動黨議論紛紛。

4月19日,新加坡內政部長兼律政部長尚穆根在其個人臉書帳號發文,從國家治理、經濟等諸多方面舉例,對比新加坡和英國的兩國情況,以反駁《經濟學人》。 他指出,相較於新加坡政局穩定,英國不僅政局混亂,且政客以權謀私;新加坡過去被英國殖民時人均GDP僅有500美元,如今不但超8萬美元,還遠遠領先於英國。


[Economist: Beyond Banyan’s Shade]

The Economist can’t resist sneering at us. It’s an instinct lodged deep in the unconscious of the British commentariat class. They can’t stand that a people they were accustomed to lecturing are now doing better than they are, across the board.

Take governance: DPM Lawrence will be our 4th PM in 59 years. Meanwhile, in the UK, Mr Rishi Sunak is their 4th PM in 4.9 years.

Mr Boris Johnson, when he was PM, accepted a holiday worth £15,000, and £50,000 for renovations of his residence, from donors. In Singapore, anyone who did what Mr Johnson did would have been charged in court.

Or the economy: We started as a British colony, with a per capita GDP of USD 500. Now, it is more than USD 80,000.

According to a recent Forbes report, we have the fifth highest GDP per capita in the world by PPP (purchasing power parity) terms. Well ahead of the UK.

Or our media: the Economist refers to our “docile press”. It obviously prefers a situation like in the UK, where one person can control major media outlets, and have politicians pay court to him, and where media owners can influence who gets elected, and who becomes PM. A similar situation in Australia was described, by a former Australian PM, as a cancer on democracy.

Or in the provision of social services: We provide our people, of all classes and races, with far better healthcare, housing and education.

Or in public safety: the law and order situation in London is well documented. Last year, across England and Wales, investigations into more than 330,000 vehicle crimes (including thefts and break-ins), or 85% of all cases reported, were closed without any suspect caught. In more than a hundred neighbourhoods, 0% of reported car thefts were solved. A situation like that would be unthinkable and unacceptable in Singapore, which has been ranked by Gallup as the safest country in the world since 2015. 95% of adults in Singapore feel safe walking alone at night.

Or in social cohesion: In the UK, a Tory party donor recently said, of a black MP, that looking at her makes him “want to hate all black women”. His party said all should just move on from the comments. That’s it.

In Singapore a person who makes such a comment is likely to be charged in court.
What price your sneer?

《經濟學人》忍不住嘲笑我們。 這是英國評論界潛意識深處的一種本能。 他們無法忍受他們習慣於講課的人現在在各方面都比他們做得更好。

以治理為例:勞倫斯副總理將成為我們 59 年來的第四任總理。 同時,在英國,Rishi Sunak 先生是 4.9 年來的第四任首相。

鮑里斯·約翰遜在擔任首相時接受了捐贈者提供的價值 15,000 英鎊的假期和 50,000 英鎊用於翻修其住所的資金。 在新加坡,任何像約翰遜先生那樣做的人都會受到法庭指控。


根據《富比士》最近的一份報告,以購買力平價(PPP)計算,我們的人均國內生產毛額位居世界第五。 遠遠領先英國。

或者我們的媒體:《經濟學人》稱我們為「溫順的媒體」。 它顯然更喜歡像英國那樣的情況,一個人可以控制主要媒體,讓政客向他討好,媒體老闆可以影響誰當選、誰成為首相。 澳洲前總理將澳洲的類似情況描述為民主的毒瘤。


或在公共安全方面:倫敦的法律和秩序狀況有據可查。 去年,英格蘭和威爾斯地區超過 33 萬起車輛犯罪(包括竊盜和入室盜竊)(佔所有通報案件的 85%)的調查結束,但沒有抓到任何嫌疑人。

在一百多個社區,所報告的汽車失竊案的解決率為 0%。 這樣的情況在新加坡是不可想像和不可接受的,自2015年以來,新加坡一直被蓋洛普評為世界上最安全的國家。

95% 的新加坡成年人認為夜間獨自散步是安全的。

或在社會凝聚力方面:在英國,一位保守黨捐助者最近談到一位黑人議員時表示,看著她讓他「想要仇恨所有黑人女性」。 他的政黨表示,一切都應該從評論中繼續前進。 就是這樣。




Record ID: 1713943324   From: 美國瀏覽整個話題
