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Besides, it must be construed that the Universal Declaration of Human Rights is only a guiding principle at the time of enactment of laws and conclusion of treaties, and the provisions of this do not have direct influence upon the acquisition and loss of nationality of private individuals.

(7) The principle of voluntary nationality, as it is called, is advanced.
According to this, change of nationality shall be subject to the free will on individuals and no one shall have his nationality changed without his own consent.

However, with regard to the influence of a concession of territory upon the nationality of inhabitants in that ceded territory, it is still the principle of international law that as a result of a concession of territory inhabitants there naturally acquire the nationality of the cede.

The institution of selection of nationality has been widely put into practice in the precedents of modern treaties in order to moderate the above principle (in Japan, since the Treaty for the Mutual Cession of Territory between Japan and Russia, May 7, 1875, the right to select one’s nationality has been recognized without exception), but this is only a guiding principle for treaties.
The institution of selection of nationality, in the sense that the right of inhabitants in ceded territory is naturally recognized without any provision about it, is still not established as customary international law.

Record ID: 1713921462R017   From: 台灣瀏覽整個話題
