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回信 發言人:主權公民Gunner, on Apr/23/2024    19:58:24 (IP code: X.X.218.247)

In the case before us,Japan did not afford inhabitants of Taiwan an opportunity to select their nationality.

But the Republic of China,or the ceder, as it is called, promulgated a law respecting the regaining of her nationality by the inhabitants in Taiwan.

In this law a period is provided for those who do not wish to regain Republic of China nationality to apply to that effect.

Therefore, it is doubtful whether Japan, or the ceder, could propose the selection of nationality at the time of the Treaty of Peace between Japan and the Republic of China.

Supposing that such a proposition was desirable, apparently from the statement above, there is still no legal defect in the fact that inhabitants of Taiwan lost their Japanese nationality.

Record ID: 1713830205R012   From: 台灣瀏覽整個話題
