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"Thank you, America!"

回信 發言人:laohofng, on Apr/21/2024    09:35:25 (IP code: X.X.48.183)
 It wasn't just Putin who lost in the House vote on Ukraine aid.

Ukraine won. Trump lost.

The House vote to aid Ukraine renews hope that Ukraine can still win its war. It also showed how and why Donald Trump should lose the 2024 election.

For nine years, Trump has dominated the Republican Party. Senators might have loathed him, governors might have despised him, donors might have ridiculed him, college-educated Republican voters might have turned against him - but LOL, nothing mattered. Enough of the Republican base supported him. Everybody else either fell in line, retired from politics, or quit the party.


Record ID: 1713662506R004   From: 美國瀏覽整個話題
