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回信 發言人:happy, on Apr/18/2024    19:54:07 (IP code: X.X.244.101)
 gunner China🐷老婊子卡噌康蔣欠低感+老人癡呆+健忘症+老韭菜

B. The Legislative Branch

Nor did the US Congress consider the ROC a State. When the United States terminated the US–China (the ROC) Mutual Defense Treaty, the US Congress enacted the Taiwan Relations Act (the “Act”)503 to protect the people of Taiwan against the invasion of the Chinese Communists as well as the security and interest of the United States in the Western Pacific. If the ROC was a State, then the US Government could enter into a mutual defense treaty with it, instead of employing such a roundabout maneuver. The United States does not have South Korea Relations Act or Japan Relations Act. It does not need such domestic law because both South Korea and Japan are States. The two States and the United States have signed mutual defense treaties.504 Thus, the United States has obligations and power under the treaties to protect them. Some may say that Taiwan Relations Act treats the ROC like a State.505 It is true that in the Act, the ROC is treated like a State by the United States and enjoys some of the same prerogatives and courtesy accorded by the US Government to other States. But if the United States treats the ROC like a State, the implication is that the ROC is not a State, only similar to one. In fact, after the United States withdrew recognition of the ROC, it no longer regarded the ROC as a “government.” Taiwan Relations Act calls it “the governing authorities.”506

Taiwan Relations Act is a US domestic legislation, not a treaty. If the PRC government uses force against Taiwan,507 the US Government has no treaty obligation toward the ROC government to protect Taiwan, though the US Government may, as the occupying power, defend Taiwan pursuant to the Taiwan Relations Act or other considerations.
Though the US Government may, as the occupying power, defend Taiwan pursuant to the Taiwan Relations Act or other considerations.
Though the US Government may, as the occupying power, defend Taiwan pursuant to the Taiwan Relations Act or other considerations.
Though the US Government may, as the occupying power, defend Taiwan pursuant to the Taiwan Relations Act or other considerations.
Though the US Government may, as the occupying power, defend Taiwan pursuant to the Taiwan Relations Act or other considerations.
Though the US Government may, as the occupying power, defend Taiwan pursuant to the Taiwan Relations Act or other considerations.

An official website of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security

免簽證國家裡:找的到"Republic of China"這個國家?🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣笑死~


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