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 >>030 國際公認舊金山和約第廿三條,台灣由美國經管。

第 23 條
(a) 本條約應經包括日本國在內簽署本條約之國家批准,並在日本國,以及包括主要佔領國之美利堅合眾國在內之下列國家,即澳大利亞、加拿大、錫蘭、法國、印尼、尼德蘭王國、紐西蘭、巴基斯坦、菲律賓共和國、大不列顛暨北愛爾蘭聯合王國與美利堅合眾國,之中過半數國家寄存其批准書後,對當時已批准之國家生效。對各個在此之後批准之國家,本條約應於其批准書寄存之日生效。
(b) 若本條約未在日本國寄存其批准書之日起九個月內生效,任何已批准本條約之國家得在日本國寄存批准書之日起三年內通知日本國政府及美利堅合眾國政府,使本條約在該國與日本國間生效。

(a) The present Treaty shall be ratified by the States which sign it, including Japan, and will come into force for all the States which have then ratified it, when instruments of ratification have been deposited by Japan and by a majority, including the United States of America as the principal occupying Power, of the following States, namely Australia, Canada, Ceylon, France, Indonesia, the Kingdom of the Netherlands, New Zealand, Pakistan, the Republic of the Philippines, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and the United States of America.

The present Treaty shall come into force of each State which subsequently ratifies it, on the date of the deposit of its instrument of ratification.

(b) If the Treaty has not come into force within nine months after the date of the deposit of Japan's ratification, any State which has ratified it may bring the Treaty into force between itself and Japan by a notification to that effect given to the Governments of Japan and the United States of America not later than three years after the date of deposit of Japan's ratification.

Article 24



Record ID: 1708039286R033   From: 台灣瀏覽整個話題

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