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The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

回信 發言人:Joy, on Mar/15/2019    14:53:42 (IP code: X.X.181.173)
 R070, temo:
>It's definitely a classic.

>master piece?

>I am not sure about that myself. I have no expertise to make the kind of judgement.

I'm so speechless according to your opinion above that I had to recheck the article written by 蔡培火 and read it over again in the first place.
Indeed, it's not that easy to read-on, yet I'm not quite certain with the critics in which you've put such as too 皇民, brown-nosing words, etc.
After all, he's born a 皇民 himself in his times. He had no other choices.

However I do agree with you to reckon it as a classic piece of work instead of master's.
Neither do I an expertise to make the kind of judgement.

The truth is that his works have been remained by us and our descendants that makes him one of the icons in the history of Taiwanese literature.

Well, that's all I can say, nothing more nothing less, I think.

Record ID: 1552521246R071   From: 台灣瀏覽整個話題
