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隨著巴黎奧運即將到來, 中國興奮劑醜聞震撼奧林匹克運動界

發言人:底層人士, on Apr/23/2024    07:41:30 (IP code: X.X.5.181)


Record ID: 1713829290   From: 美國

回信 發言人:底層人士, on Apr/23/2024    08:03:56 (IP code: X.X.5.181)
 Officials with the world's leading sports anti-doping agency scrambled on Monday to contain a scandal involving 23 elite and Olympic swimmers from China who tested positive for a performance-enhancing drug.

The scandal, which comes less than a hundred days before the Paris Summer Games, is linked to positive doping tests collected in 2021 that the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) and Chinese officials never publicly disclosed.

"We had no evidence of wrongdoing," said WADA President Witold Banka during a press conference with reporters that often turned combative.

"At every stage WADA followed all due processes and diligently investigated. If we had it over again, we would do exactly the same thing."

Banka went on to describe China's athletes as "innocent" and "not a doping case involving cheaters."

He said WADA had no obligation to suspend them from competition or report the case to sports officials from other countries.

Critics, however, said the scandal suggests a "potential cover-up" and raises troubling questions about the integrity of the international testing regime meant to keep Olympic sport clean.

"It's crushing to see that 23 Chinese swimmers had positive tests for a potent performance-enhancing drug on the eve of the 2021 Olympic Games [in Tokyo]," said Travis Tygart, head of the U.S. Anti-Doping Agency, known as USADA.

"It's even more devastating to learn the World Anti-Doping Agency and the Chinese Anti-Doping Agency secretly, until now, swept these positives under the carpet," Tygart added in a statement.

WADA now acknowledges learning of positive drug tests for nearly two dozen Chinese swimmers in June 2021 ahead of the Tokyo Games.

During Monday's press conference, WADA officials said the 60 urine samples were actually conducted by Chinese sports officials months earlier at a swimming competition in January 2021.

After months of delay, the Chinese presented a theory to WADA that the athletes were accidentally contaminated by a potent performance-enhancing drug called trimetazidine, known as TMZ.

Chinese officials say TMZ was allegedly found in trace amounts in the kitchen of a hotel where the swimmers were staying.

China's explanation draws skepticism
No explanation has been provided for how TMZ, a controlled substance, might have made its way into the kitchen or reached the athletes.

WADA officials also confirmed Monday that they conducted no independent on-the-ground investigation and instead carried out their review using samples and data provided by China.

They eventually accepted China's explanation that no deliberate wrong-doing occurred. In addition, WADA said the COVID pandemic complicated efforts to enter China for a fuller investigation.

"The feedback from WADA's science department was that the [accidental] contamination scenario was not only plausible, but there was no concrete element to call it into question," said Ross Wenzel, WADA's lead attorney, during the press conference.

WADA officials say given the circumstances of the case, international doping rules did not require them to alert other competitors about the tests and investigations, nor were they required to suspend the Chinese athletes.

Despite those explanations, the case has sparked growing outrage around the world.

In a statement posted on social media, British swimmer James Guy, who won two gold medals in Tokyo and who will compete again in Paris, blasted the Chinese athletes who tested positive.

"Ban them all and never compete again," Guy wrote on X.

The head of the U.S. Olympic and Paralympic Committee, meanwhile, said in a statement the timing of these latest revelations is disastrous for athletes.

"The recent allegations of doping cast a shadow of uncertainty as we head into the [Paris] Olympic and Paralympic cycle, challenging the very foundation of what fair competition stands for," said USOPC CEO Sarah Hirshland.

In an interview with NPR, USADA's Tygart questioned the plausibility of China's explanation that the positive TMZ tests were the result of an accidental exposure.

"Maybe part of the rationale [for a cover-up] was 'Nobody's going to believe this contamination theory, so we can't follow the rules because it's a crazy theory and no one would believe it,'" Tygart said.

Another Olympics, another high-profile doping scandal
Trimetazidine used by Russian figure skater Kamila Valieva ahead of the 2022 Winter Games in Beijing, a violation that ultimately led to Valieva receiving a four-year ban from international competition.

That case, too, involved a controversial delay in notification about Valieva's positive drug test, and threw the Beijing Games into turmoil.

Nine U.S. skaters were belatedly granted gold medals. Two years later they are still awaiting their formal award ceremony.

Critics now say WADA and the Chinese should have made the swimmers' tests known immediately to sports officials from other countries.

The behind-the-scenes investigation was first made public by the New York Times and a German news organization ARD, which aired a German-language television documentary about the case, and published a full list of Chinese athletes who allegedly tested positive.

The list includes star swimmers Zhang Yufei and Wang Shun, who went on to win gold medals in Tokyo. Both are expected to compete again in Paris Olympic Games this summer.

In an interview with the German news agency DPA, Germany's Interior Minister Nancy Faeser called for an investigation of the case.

"If confirmed that Chinese swimmers were able to become Olympic champions in Tokyo despite previous evidence of doping, that would be a disaster for world sport," Faeser said.

"This case is a slap in the face of all innocent and honest athletes."

In the countdown to Paris, disarray among drug testers
The Chinese Anti-Doping Agency, known as CHADA, also pushed back over the weekend against growing claims of wrongdoing.

In a statement published by the Chinese-government's Xinhua news agency, CHADA officials said their investigation found "extremely low" amounts of TMZ in Chinese swimmers.

"WADA agreed with our conclusion after thorough review," the organization said.

WADA, meanwhile, condemned its critics in a fiercely worded statement threatening legal action, calling accusations of wrong-doing "outrageous, completely false and defamatory."

"At all times, WADA acted in good faith, according to due process and following advice from external counsel," the organization said.

Tygart, with the United States Anti-Doping Agency, punched back on social media, saying it is "disappointing to see WADA stoop to threats and scare tactics when confronted with a blatant violation of the rules governing anti-doping."

New scandal, old suspicions
This scandal revives questions about international sport's ability to cope with countries accused of using performance-enhancing drugs systematically to gain unfair advantages at the Olympics and in other major competitions.

The International Olympic Committee has drawn criticism for allowing Russian athletes to continue competing at the Winter and Summer Games, albeit as neutrals without flying Russia's flag or playing the national anthem, despite evidence of systemic doping.

Also at the Tokyo Games, questions were raised about Russian swimmer Evgeny Rylov, who won gold in the men's 200-meter backstroke.

"I don't know if [the race] was 100 percent clean," said U.S. swimmer Ryan Murphy, the silver medal winner, at a press conference afterwards in 2021, "and that's because of things that happened over the past."

China, too, has faced on-going questions about whether its teams use performance enhancing drugs systematically.

At the 2012 Summer Games in London, then-16-year-old swimmer Ye Shiwen of China obliterated the competition on the final lap of the women's 400m individual medley race.

Her final 50m was faster than American star Ryan Lochte's final 50m in the men's version of that same race, raising doubts about whether the performance could have been achieved without the aid of drugs.

Record ID: 1713829290R001   From: 美國

回信 發言人:底層人士, on Apr/23/2024    08:06:50 (IP code: X.X.5.181)

Stefan Nestler

2024年4月22日 週一 上午9:16










2014年,曾在2012年倫敦奧運摘得兩枚金牌的中國前游泳明星孫楊被檢測出曲美他嗪陽性,被禁賽三個月。2022年北京冬奧會上,年僅15歲的俄羅斯花樣滑冰選手瓦利耶娃(Kamila Walijewa)也曝出曲美他嗪陽性。國際體育仲裁法庭2024年對瓦利耶娃宣布禁賽四年,回溯四年生效。俄羅斯因此失去了冬奧會上的團體金牌,因這位年輕的運動員當時是團體賽選手之一。





美國反興奮劑機構(USADA)負責人泰格特(Travis Tygart)在德國電視一台的紀錄片中表示,相關事件的曝光令人震驚,對所有干淨參賽的運動員如同背後捅刀一樣。他指責國際反興奮劑組織和中國反興奮劑中心掩蓋了興奮劑陽性一事。他認為,相關運動員至少必須暫時禁賽。

運動員代表組織“全球運動員”(Global Athlete)和“公平體育”(Fair Sport)也持同樣的看法,並要求迅速澄清此事。兩個組織共同發表的聲明中稱,如果相關指責屬實,那麼這將是全球反興奮劑體系的又一次災難性的失敗,並凸顯解散國際反興奮劑組織架構的必要性。

負責體育事務的德國內政部長費澤爾(Nancy Faeser)也認為,國際反興奮劑組織負有責任。“距離奧運會數月時間,有關忽略、甚至掩蓋的嫌疑必須盡快全面澄清。”德國游泳聯合會(DSV)競技體育負責人漢斯曼(Christian Hansmann)表示,這樣來自中國的消息令人不安,並要求在必要情況下追責,“只有這樣才能維護體育的正直”。




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作者: Stefan Nestler

Record ID: 1713829290R002   From: 美國

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